摄影一词是源于希腊语 φῶς phos(光线)和 γραφι graphis(绘画、绘图)或γραφή graphê,两字一起的意思是”以光线绘图”。摄影是指使用某种专门设备进行影像记录的过程,一般我们使用机械照相机或者数码照相机进行摄影。有时摄影也会被称为照相,也就是通过物体所反射的光线使感光介质曝光的过程。有人说过的一句精辟的语言:摄影家的能力是把日常生活中稍纵即逝的平凡事物转化为不朽的视觉图像。

We are an independent branding studio and creative business partner for clients who are ready for extraordinary solutions.
To deliver such solutions we dig deep into a brand’s essence and values, clearly understand them, and then inject them into the design. This is the surest way to move beyond design for design’s sake and give consumers a brand that is both undeniably relevant and incredibly engaging.
Sure, it’s also a process by which we’ve been competing with world’s leading brands and won many respectable awards. But awards aren’t our goal. While they provide proof of our creativity, the appreciation of our works and offer credibility that comes from peer recognition, they are ultimately a means to acquiring ever more difficult challenges.
And that is ultimately what get’s us up in the morning:  the thrill of working with clients to try and tackle increasingly challenging branding problems that then lead to successful businesses for clients.
Intrigued?  Why not give us a shout today and see how we can transform your brand and your business.

Breil – My Stones

2016 Vicky Lawton



